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The energy industry hasn’t traditionally needed to focus on efficiency, oil and gas have been no exception. While industries all across the spectrum, from high-tech and automotive to retail and manufacturing, have needed to invest heavily in technology to improve efficiency, this industry hasn’t experienced much of the pressure. It has traditionally been so flush with funds, it hasn’t been a concern. This is changing now, however.

While the price of oil is improving, paying heed to efficiency is likely to help in a number of ways. It’s important to understand that running a tight operation not only benefits drillers in a future where oil prices may be temperamental, it can also help prevent accidents.

Revolutionizing Operations

While the drilling industry has always relied on manpower to get things done, there are robots today that are able to revolutionize the way many operations are performed. The benefits to the bottom line can be a sight to behold.

It used to be that difficult, dangerous and time-consuming tasks on-site, such as connecting and disconnecting pipes, were done by hand by a small army of workers. No more. National Oilwell Varco’s Iron Roughneck robot is up to the task, performing these jobs quickly, efficiently, with less error and risk of accidents, and at far lower cost.

Drones Prevent Accidents, Failures

Drones offer the most compelling reasons to upgrade to better technology – drones by companies such as Sky-Futures offer the ability to inspect pipelines in hard-to-reach areas in a tenth of the time usually required by skilled people using rope access. Such ease of access isn’t just about cost savings and manpower, it often allows greater oversight, fewer costly accidents, and less downtime. It’s no different with big data – investing in sensors and other high-tech supervision tools help drillers collect vast amounts of information that offer quick insight into areas that may be prone to accidents and failure.

Simpler Improvements in Operations

Not all improvements in efficiency include upgrading to digital equipment – sometimes, it is simply about improvements in the physical task of extracting. Sigma Drilling Technologies, for example, offers a pulsation dampener for reciprocating pumps that greatly helps with durability and reliability. Learn more about pulsation control systems from Sigma by calling (281) 656-9298.


Justin Manley is the lead inventor and pulsation expert for Sigma Drilling Technologies. He is the author of several patents and trademarks dealing directly with advanced pulsation control, including the highly successful Charge Free Conversion Kit® and the Acoustic Assassin®. He lives in North Texas with his wife and three children.